

Landmark College的建议以学生为中心,以发展为导向,以取得学业成功.

当你第一次来到地标学院, 你会被指派一名核心顾问,他也可以作为执行职能教练. This advisor works with you through your sophomore year or until you have earned your associate degree.

辅导员帮助学生练习自我反省, 自我意识, and self-advocacy and work with them to develop the tools and strategies they will need to be successful in college and in life. Advisors serve as guides for students to help them navigate their Landmark College program and the academic and nonacademic opportunities available to get the most out of their Landmark College experience.

一旦学生达到学士学位课程的三年级, they transition to working with a faculty advisor who mentors students in discipline-related inquiry, 本领域的研究, 为大学毕业后的生活做计划.


  • 计划和管理课程安排
  • 确定学术优势和兴趣
  • 设定短期和长期目标
  • 支持访问校园资源


  • 是的.

    当每个学生第一次来到LC时,都会被分配一个核心顾问. The placement team reviews the student’s file and tries to match the student with the core advisor who can best meet that student’s needs. 这个人也可以提供执行职能指导服务.

    The advisor takes a developmental advising approach by working closely with each student to address academic, 社会, 以及过渡性需求.

    一旦学生达到学士学位课程的三年级, they transition to working with a faculty advisor who mentors students in discipline-related inquiry, 本领域的研究, 为大学毕业后的生活做计划.

  • 一旦学生决定参加Landmark College,学校就会指派一名学术顾问.


    New students meet their advisor during New Student Orientation and work with their advisors during orientation to complete course selection. 在这次培训会上, students learn about where their advisor’s office is located and talk briefly with their advisor about how they will work together.


  • 如果学生想在一个学期内更换导师,请联系 内华达布罗姆利学术指导协调员

    学生应该准备好讨论他们对建议变更的请求. 只有在资源可用的情况下才能进行重新分配.

    Returning students may also request an advisor change on the course registration form submitted each semester when selecting courses for the upcoming semester.

  • Advisors work with students prior to the start of the semester to help them to develop a time management plan. 在学期的前几周,这个计划可能会有所调整.



  • 核心顾问持有学生发展、教育或相关领域的研究生学位. 顾问作为执行职能教练接受过专业发展培训.

    Advisors are required to stay current with college advising re搜索 and are expected to have extensive experience advising students with LD/ADHD and autism.

  • If a student completes an associate degree and elects to move on to earn a bachelor’s degree OR once a student has moved to the junior level of a declared major (more than 61 credits that is applicable toward a B.A. 或B.S.),学生从核心顾问转变为教师导师顾问.

    The student’s core advisor will work with the student and the new faculty advisor to support a smooth transition.

  • At the center of Landmark College’s educational philosophy is a firm commitment to helping students learn to advocate for themselves. 学生得到明确的指导,了解他们的学习优势和挑战, 并在他们的学术课程的关键点上提供自我反思的机会.

    我们向学生介绍各种各样的援助, 从辅助技术到辅导服务再到学术支持服务. 在所有这些支持中, we help our students learn to develop their own strategies and to hold themselves accountable for using those strategies.

    我们希望学生能充分利用现有的资源, 问问题, 并为他们的学习需求负责. Students who are strong self-advocates understand their responsibility in appropriately advocating for themselves, 他们有能力根据自己的情况定制要求.


    没有父母愿意接到一个听起来不开心的儿子或女儿打来的电话. 几乎每个父母都会在某个时候至少接到一个这样的电话. 你能做什么??

    同情地倾听. 不带评判地倾听,试着理解你的学生正在经历什么. 如果合适的话,验证一下自己的感受.g.“那一定很困难.”).

    保持联系. 你的学生处在一个全新的、潜在的压倒性的环境中, 知道你还在那里,就会有所不同. 家里寄来的信件和包裹, 电子邮件信息, 短信, IMs, 电话对于帮助学生感到舒适和支持是至关重要的.

    给你鼓励. 让你的学生知道你相信他或她会做出正确的决定.

    鼓励学生考虑可用的资源来解决问题. It’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with the College’s support services and to encourage them to use the resources here. A great question to a student who seems to be stuck or struggling would be: “Who might you go to for help with that?”

    轻轻地问. 第一次离开家和你的直接指导, 学生可能在药物管理方面有困难, 需要心理咨询来帮助解决新出现的情绪问题, 或者出现药物滥用问题. 你可以通过温和的询问来监控这些潜在的挑战. Ask your student about their 社会 life and about their physical and mental health and well-being.


    One of the largest issues we have observed is that families experience conflict because the parents and the student do not have the same expectations. 我们强烈敦促家庭公开讨论希望和期望.


    • 对班级出勤率的期望,校园资源的使用,以及分数的最低标准
    • 总体预算、津贴和开支
    • 电话和邮件联系的频率
    • 药物问题:处方是在家里还是在学校配药?
    • 学生探亲的时间安排
    • 家长参观地标学院的时间安排
    • 长期的学业抱负和人生目标

    Advisors serve as the primary contact person for parents or sponsors who have questions about their academic program. 学生主要负责与家长联系.

  • We encourage families to work with their students to develop a plan for staying informed about their progress.

    除了课堂上和作业后的反馈, faculty provide updates on progress to students three times a semester: right before family weekend, 在课程的中点, 当然在最后. 教师 may also raise notification warnings if they observe any indications that the student may need additional help. Students can access faculty feedback through the course Canvas site and through the Student Central application.

    If we have authorization to disclose information on a student’s educational record (see information about FERPA below), families on the approved contact list will receive email notifications of repeated warnings and academic intervention meetings. 如果需要的话, 家庭可以联系他们的学生的学术顾问讨论观察和担忧. 不鼓励学生家属直接与教师联系.


    家庭教育权 & 隐私 Act of 1974 (FERPA) is a federal law that allows students attending postsecondary institutions to access their own educational records, 设法修改他们的记录, 并控制从他们的教育记录中泄露个人身份信息. All educational agencies and institutions that receive federal funding must follow the regulations of FERPA.

    当学生年满18岁时, 或在任何年龄进入高等教育机构(即使是未成年人), FERPA规定的权利从家长转移到学生.

    FERPA requires Landmark College officials to obtain consent from students before information from an educational record is disclosed. The College may disclose information from an “eligible student’s” education records to the parents or guardian of the student, 未经学生同意, 如果学生是纳税的受抚养人.

    学生的年龄和家长作为监护人的身份都无关. 如果学生被父母中的任何一方申报为受抚养人纳税, 那么父母中的任何一方都可以根据本条款获得访问权. 如果学生不是受抚养人, then the student must generally provide consent for the school to disclose the information to the parents.

    The College is informed of dependent status or other consent for disclosure by completion of “Authorization to Release Student Account and Education Information” form available through the 注册商’s office.
