


Although Windham College 关闭 its doors in 1978, 它活在许多杰出人士的心中,他们在美丽的校园里教学和学习. 相当多的人仍然生活在该地区,并以他们的才能丰富了当地社区.

Windham 校友 Association organizes regular meetings, 欢迎校友报名参加温德姆校庆活动和校庆活动. 

History of the Windham College Campus

Landmark owes a significant debt to Walter Hendricks, 他是温德姆学院的创始人,也是第一个设想校园坐落在普特尼的美丽位置的人.

温德姆学院成立于1951年冬天,当时是佛蒙特州特殊研究学院,只有三名学生. 沃尔特·亨德里克斯和他的妻子弗洛拉在他们位于佛蒙特州帕特尼金博尔山的家中. From that small beginning, it would grow to encompass, by 1962, 21 buildings in Putney, and have 25 faculty and some 250 students.

右图:由建筑师Edward Durell Stone设计的校园建筑效图.

Along with its regular academic offerings, it developed a number of very successful programs, 包括小说作家会议和批评语言研究所, a 夏天 linguistic and cultural immersion program. 学院吸引了一群才华横溢、富有创造力的教师,他们的努力不仅丰富了学生的生活, but through active and artistic programming, the lives of the greater community as a whole.

学院的成功和发展需要一个更统一的校园. 通过1963年的高等教育法,到1967年,温德姆获得了4美元.3 million in federal funding that would help finance $5.4 million worth of construction. 其余部分由筹款和贷款组成(温德姆学院通讯,1967年). Ground for the new campus was broken in June of 1961. 诗人罗伯特·弗罗斯特, personal friend and mentor to Walter Hendricks, the College's founder and first president, attended the groundbreaking ceremony. 的 architect for the project was Edward Durell Stone, an internationally recognized architect of the era.

Campus Architect Edward Durell Stone

Edward Durell Stone 1958 Time Magazine cover

石头的职业生涯, begun in the midst of the Depression, was aided immensely by his commission from Henry Luce, publisher of Time magazine, for whom he designed several homes. He would subsequently codesign the Museum of Modern Art (1939) and, after the war, the U.S. 驻印度大使馆 (1954) National Geographic Society headquarters (1961) 约翰F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts (1969), as well as the State University of New York at Albany main campus (1968).

Early in his career, Stone was a proponent of the International Style, 以简约建筑为代表的现代建筑的发展, 朴素的, and used the most modern materials. Later in his career, 他将以格栅和剪纸的形式融入装饰而闻名, 同时也强调了建筑与周围景观的关系. 将温德姆的建筑与他设计的其他建筑进行比较,可以发现惊人的相似之处, including the use of the flat overhang roofs, 天窗, 和柱廊. 校园始建于1961年,艾肯大厅准备在接下来的9月入住. 其他宿舍, including Frost Hall (named after Robert Frost), and main buildings would soon follow.  Edward Durell Stone in front of residence hall

In 1967, 斯通被邀请参加家长日,视察校园的进展情况, 到那时, was almost three-quarters complete. 在他的演讲中, he commented on the uniqueness of the commission, which allowed him to design the College from the ground up; a rare opportunity. 他还表示,他从托马斯·杰斐逊(Thomas Jefferson)在弗吉尼亚大学(University of virginia)设计的柱廊中获得了连接较低校园建筑的灵感。Brattleboro Reformer, 1967). 那一年, a residence hall was named for Stone, but when Landmark College reopened the hall in 1986, it was renamed Hall Four. 今年秋天, 大厅恢复了原来的名字:爱德华·杜雷尔·斯通大厅, in recognition of Stone's enduring architectural legacy.


2013年,佛蒙特州报纸对地标学院独特的建筑进行了介绍 七天, 他的记者与学院高级管理层和波士顿建筑师玛丽·索伦森一起参观了校园, 多科莫国际新英格兰分会的协调员, which finds and seeks to preserve modern-era architecture. 看到“小地标学院拥有一个由世纪中叶大师爱德华·杜雷尔·斯通设计的校园."Fountain in front of Fine Arts Building

地标学院的历史是通过努力恢复和尊重斯通的愿景的关键要素而突出的. In 1992, the Fine Arts Building was purchased and renovated, 2005年,温德姆学院的科学楼作为最先进的建筑重新开放, 环境认证的东部学术大楼保留了斯通的标志性特征, including pyramidal 天窗 and a flat, concrete roof with a slotted overhang. In 2013, 美术大楼室外入口的喷泉自温德姆学院时代以来第一次流动.

右图:由地标学院校友Brandon Nogueira拍摄的喷泉照片

Landmark继续平衡学院的需求与Stone的愿景之美,并完成了Nicole Goodner MacFarlane Science, 技术 & 创新中心在2015年9月学院30周年庆典时落成. 这个新结构将校园的东西两个角落统一起来,其简洁的线条和线性设计尊重了斯通的原始计划, which had included a building at the head of the quad.



Edward Durell Stone: Architect


Edward Durell Stone: Legendary Architect
Photos of some of Stone's most famous buildings, 还有一段2011年希克斯·斯通采访的15分钟音频剪辑.

Windham College Special Collection
温德姆学院档案收藏的概述,作为地标学院的一部分. 罗兹档案.
