

student reviewing science notes in science classroom



通识文科副学士 degree provides student with a broad foundation in specific discipline areas (the humanities, 艺术, 自然科学和社会科学). Students who earn a Liberal Arts degree encounter different ways of seeing the world and develop the skills to engage in projects and activities that open new avenues for exploration as they focus on the ability to formulate effective arguments, 善于沟通,解决问题.

Students are able to choose courses of interest to them in a broad range of electives while also fulfilling general education requirements that will help prepare them for further education or the workplace. 对A的要求.A. 通识教育 are the same for the foundation requirements in the B.A. 通识教育.


Left to right: Drew McDowell of Career and Transfer Services, 童子军, 以及学生事务副总裁迈克尔·卢西亚尼

童子军 macachron '12

"I graduated from Landmark feeling as if I had a place in the world and things to contribute. 地标学院改变了我的人生. I wasn't just someone sitting on the sidelines anymore.”

Left to right: Drew McDowell of Career and Transfer Services, 童子军, 以及学生事务副总裁迈克尔·卢西亚尼

了解更多关于A的信息.A. 通识教育学位

  • 在地标学院, faculty teach a range of courses in the Liberal Arts that are both content-rich and skills-focused.

    By providing students with ample opportunities to develop a critical eye, the reading and writing skills necessary for advanced work, faculty are focused on the learning experience of each student. 

    Students are able to choose courses of interest to them in a broad range of electives, while also fulfilling general education requirements that will help prepare them for further education or the workplace.

  • 追求A的学生.A. 通识教育 may choose to do an internship in any number of areas. Students have had successful experiences in some of the following areas:

    • 教育或非营利组织
    • 新闻
    • 训练
    • 房地产
    • 电视广播
    • 无线电广播
    • 品牌写
    • 销售和市场营销

    的 College has partnerships with several national, 区域, local companies and organizations that have neurodiverse-friendly hiring programs.

    Students have typically gained work experience either through on campus internships or with the following supportive programs:

    • 广泛的期货
    • Dynamy
    • 残疾:
    • 创新实验室
    • 神经元多样化途径
  • Students can engage in a wide range of activities that relate to and reinforce their Liberal Studies focus, 从参与校园中心开始, 比如石墙中心或崛起中心, to engaging with the art club or service learning opportunities in the local community.

    Liberal Studies students want to be engaged in their communities, Landmark College provides opportunities to step out of the classroom into direct engagement with groups and activities in Putney and nearby Brattleboro.

  • Students interested 通识教育 can consider a huge range of career choices, those planning to enter the workforce immediately after graduation can explore opportunities in sales, 市场营销, 非营利性入门级职位, 还有房地产等领域, 保险, 或者零售业务.

    的 Associate of Art 通识教育 can provide preparation for the Landmark College B.A. 通识教育.

    的 program also offers a strong foundation for many of the other Bachelor of Arts degrees in majors such as 心理学, 艺术工作室, 沟通与创业领导力. 来帮助你继续拿到学位, ask your advisor about choosing a concentration aligned with your bachelor degree interests.

  • 为了获得A.A. 通识教育 degree, students must complete 61 credits:

    • 43门专业必修课
      • 12个专业必修学分
      • 31 major required credits that also count toward general education,
    • 18门公开选修课


    WRT1011 Composition and Rhetoric (Gen Ed): 3 credits
    EDU1011 Perspectives in Learning (Gen Ed): 3 credits
    COM1011 Introduction to Communication (Gen Ed): 3 credits
    Mathematics Distribution Requirement (as indicated through placement exam) (Gen Ed): 3 credits
    Quantitative Reasoning Distribution (Gen Ed) : 3 credits
    Interpersonal Communication/Creative Expression Distribution (Gen Ed): 3 credits


  • Upon completion of the 通识文科副学士, students should be able to:

    • 批判性的思考, 原因得很熟, develop and apply problem-solving strategies across the academic disciplines
    • Recognize when information is needed and have the ability to access, 评估, 有效地、合乎道德地使用它
    • Understand the complexities of multiple communities, 包括教育, 文化, 和地理, 尊重不同的观点和多样性
    • 清晰地沟通, 通过书面表达的连贯性和说服力, 口服, 以及其他的表达方式
    • Comprehend and apply the methods of scientific inquiry and quantitative reasoning
    • 持续不断地自我反省, 自我意识, self-advocacy that leads to self-understanding and the successful management of the skills and strategies of a lifelong learner