
健康、安全 & 支持


国外的地标学院项目对学生的支持有很高的标准, 健康和安全是我们最关心的问题. We are committed to helping students receive the support that they need at any phase of the application and pre-departure processes as well as while on location abroad. 下面的信息可能会回答你的一些问题, but the Office of Experiential Education and our programs’ faculty 领导人 are always available to address any individual concerns you may have. 请访问我们的办公室(行政218)或发电子邮件给我们开始对话: (电子邮件保护).

For an inside perspective on the supports that we build into our study abroad programs to promote student success, please enjoy this perspective from the parent of a Landmark College student who recently completed a 3-week 出国留学 program in Europe. 这个视频是一个很好的例子,说明我们为什么在地标学院做我们所做的事情, 以及为什么我们继续发展安全, 支持学生出国留学和出国留学项目.

  • New 食物s, jetlag, air travel, a change in climate can all affect student health while abroad. 除了常见的咳嗽和感冒, 项目目的地可能存在与高温有关的额外健康风险, 食物, 水, 或者当地的动植物.

    作为我们项目规划过程的一部分, Landmark College faculty 领导人 and program administrators complete thorough re搜索 into the health risks of each program location and how to mitigate those risks. 学生们得到了保持健康的全面指导和建议.

    以防我们的节目出现健康问题, 领导人已经确定了每个地点的当地资源, 包括说英语的医生, 未经预约而来的诊所, 药店, 医院, 以及创伤中心. 每个项目至少有两名负责人和当地项目联系人, 因此,需要照顾的学生将不必自己照顾自己.

  • Participants in Landmark College programs abroad are automatically enrolled in health insurance for the duration of the program abroad. 保险包括疾病和受伤的紧急医疗, 以及紧急医疗后送和遣返.

  • Students who currently see (or have recently seen) a mental health professional are encouraged to talk with their counselor or therapist about their plans to study abroad. We suggest that students consider their strategies for coping with new and different situations and develop a plan for responding to any feelings of destabilization, 文化冲击, 或者其他与学生心理健康史有关的问题.

    We encourage all students to disclose their health and mental health 历史 on Landmark College’s program confirmation forms (see “Forms, 费用, 和最后期限,(左),并在国外保持通讯畅通. 如果有必要的话, 学院可能会安排学生在国外拜访辅导员, although it is important to note that awareness of and education about mental health conditions vary widely by country.

    Students who are curious or concerned about how issues such as anxiety or depression may impact their study abroad experience can find useful resources 在这里:



  • One of the strongest characteristics of Landmark College’s study abroad programs is the high level of student support they offer students. 参加海外留学项目的学生可能需要学术工作支持, 文化上的调整, 乡愁, 社会关系, 执行功能, 或者其他各种各样的问题.

    每个项目至少包括两名教师领导:一名学术主任, 谁教这门课程, 一个项目主管, 谁协调项目的后勤和计划. 这些领导者支持学生的一些方式是:

    • 定期“办公”时间提供学术支持
    • 与整个团队进行频繁的反思
    • 为学生提供一对一的建议
    • 具有跨文化知识和海外生活经验
    • 对健康问题的支持

    有任何关于学生健康的问题, 安全, 并支持Landmark College的海外留学项目, 请电子邮件 (电子邮件保护) 或者个别项目的教员.

  • 不同文化对同性恋的认识和接受程度差异很大. 如果你认为自己是LGBTQIA+学生, 你可能有很多关于出国留学的问题, 包括对安全的担忧.

    取决于地点, students may find their host country has very progressive ideologies and LGBTIA+ students may feel very comfortable being open about their identities. 在其他地方,学生可能会发现同性恋是高度禁忌,甚至是非法的.

    地标学院的项目负责人和其他美国人.S. 能帮助学生了解他们计划访问的国家的文化和法律吗. 我们鼓励学生分享他们在国外学习时可能遇到的任何担忧或问题.


  • 妇女的角色和对妇女的文化态度在世界各地也各不相同. 宗教, 历史, cultural values can all contribute to gender roles and relationships that might be different from those in the United States.

    Female students traveling or studying abroad may be surprised (pleasantly or unpleasantly) to observe and experience different expectations and attitudes towards women in the country they visit. 在一些地方, 女权主义和性别平等可能在政府中司空见惯, 工作场所, 还有家. 不幸的是, 在一些地方,女性旅行者在公共场合可能会遭到嘘声和凝视, such things as smiling or making eye contact may be interpreted differently than they would be 在这里. 观察和体验这些差异会让你大开眼界, 令人沮丧的, 有时是可怕的.

    Landmark College的海外学习项目由经验丰富的教师领导, nearly all programs are led by at least one person who had significant experience living in the destination country. 这些领导者可以回答有关性别角色和态度的问题, 并且可以分享他们自己的经历.


  • 支持学生的海外经历

    Much of the health and 安全 information listed on this page can be useful as your student prepares to study abroad. 我们鼓励您查看所提供的信息和链接, 如果有任何问题请亚洲博彩平台排名.


    个别课程网页提供有关课程的全面信息, 领导人, 和地点. For courses that have run in the past, you can see the complete itinerary and read the program blog. 即将到来的节目的最终细节将在出发前至少一个月公布.


    • 学生手册:包含课程行程, 紧急电话号码, 联系信息, 建议装箱单, 推荐阅读, 有关房屋的资料, 和更多的
    • 课程大纲:包含课程目标, 分级信息, 还有课业和作业的时间表
    • 旅游信息:航班详情和会议时间


    的 amount of free time, restrictions given to students during that time, vary per program. We encourage you to get in touch with us to learn more about what guidance is given to students for free time.

    We realize that students occasionally make short-term, individual travel plans during a program. 如果是这样的话, they are required to provide their itinerary and 联系信息 for the place(s) they will be staying to the Program Director. 我们强烈建议学生也通知他们的家人任何个人计划.


    在大多数节目中, 学生将有频繁的, 但不是恒定的, 互联网接入, 你可以用电子邮件联系我, 在社交媒体上, 或者通过WhatsApp等通讯应用程序, FaceTime, Skype, 或者Google Duo. 然而, we strongly encourage students to consider how closely they want to be in touch with family and friends back home. We encourage students to unplug as much as possible in order to focus on the intercultural and academic aspects of their program. 父母 and families will be given emergency contact numbers for program 领导人 and can also contact Landmark College in an emergency. We suggest that you talk to your student ahead of time to establish reasonable expectations for communication.

    项目的博客, 由教师根据学生的意见进行维护, 是跟上项目活动的好方法吗. 请查看各种程序博客 在这里.

  • 支持您的学生在国外的健康和安全

    的 Office of Experiential Education collects health and mental health information via a self-disclosure form submitted by students after they have been accepted to their programs. 您可以访问这些表单. 尽早复习这些表格会很有帮助, meet with individual students as necessary to help them prepare for their experience abroad.


  • 以下资源已于2021年11月在中国国际经济交流中心年会上公布. 会议信息, 包括ppt演示, 会在2021年底前推出吗. 在此之后,本页底部的资源将保留.



    安迪·多纳休, Landmark College社会语用学主任





    为所有人提供海外教育:为焦虑、自闭症学生提供服务 & 更多的 (PDF)

    为所有人提供海外教育:为焦虑、自闭症学生提供服务 & 更多的 (幻灯片)




    流动的国际 (MIUSA)是一个组织 任务 is “To empower people with disabilities around the world to achieve their human rights through international exchange and international development.他们的网站为学生、管理人员和教职员工提供了大量的资源.

    搜索关键词“自闭症”会出现一个 大图书馆的情况介绍,学生的证词,和其他参考资料. 这些可以用来教育自己和赋予学生权力. 以下是一些亮点:





    学生经历 牙买加, 中国, 苏格兰


    MIUSA还包括一个集合 为留学管理人员提供住宿表格样本和资源. 这些在建议学生选择出国留学时非常有用.



    以下资源并非针对国际教育, 但在教育背景下提供宝贵的学习神经多样性的机会.



    Landmark College Institute for 研究 and 培训 (LCIRT) 任务 is “to expand neurodiversity-based re搜索 and leverage innovative practices to improve educational and career outcomes for neurodivergent individuals.“LCIRT提供了多种 专业发展机会,包括网络研讨会、证书课程、研讨会、培训和他们的年度活动 暑期教育工作者学院.









    大学自闭症网络 大学自闭症峰会

    美国学习障碍协会: 网络研讨会和会议
